On Stretching

Yoga Poses

Poses from children’s yoga book Brenda the Busy Bee, written by Louise Lynott, illustrated by me, Alexia Pinchbeck

Back to the blog and writing again, you’ll hear much reference to stretching below.

Stretching my writing/blogging/newslettering muscles.

Stretching – literally. More on that later.

And stretching – figuratively – as I start to (slowly and gently and daily) stretch my illustration and business into new and different areas, including (but not limited to) commissions to illustrate others’ books, creativity coaching, school/nursery illustration/storytelling visits, workshops for both adults and children to get creative juices going, and exploring old and new book ideas that I’m really excited to see come to life (some AMAZING ideas this week folks!!).

But, back to stretching literally.

Back in … mm let me see… I think about April, I had a younger friend come to stay for the weekend with me and the kids. My husband was away and, on the Sunday I woke to a shoulder in complete spasm, to the point where, unfathomably, I had to call the boys to come and haul me up from bed, it was like I was stuck to it.

My young friend happens to be a midwife, and mentioned that with her job demands she frequently experienced the same but, and here were her immortal words, she had a stretch for it.

Those three words have changed my life.

As has the lady my friend introduced me to, Mady Morrison.

A German youtuber with millions of followers, I reluctantly started with her 10 minute neck/shoulder stretch, and I was astounded. My desperation for my shoulder to be more functional ensured I kept it up daily and, after a week or so when it had, I started to branch out into trying her other stretch videos, particularly loving her Miracle Morning stretch and, another favourite, her Posture Stretch (which I bust out just this morning before work).

I now stretch daily (with a small wobbly patch a few weeks back when the family were ill, although this would be EVEN MORE reason to stretch I now realise) and it has made AN ENORMOUS difference to my mental and physical wellbeing. More than, dare I say it, meditation (which I do love), more than exercise (of course hugely important, but to which there are a few more barriers to me getting to). I can do it with the kids around, or without, and after my 10 minute Miracle Morning or Posture Stretch, it is honestly like my body sings with gratitude.

So, I leave you with a question today: when did you last stretch? Here is a gentle nudge to try out Mady Morrison’s Miracle Morning just once and tell me it doesn’t make you feel absolutely heavenly!

Until next time, sending lots of lovely stretchy cuddles your way,

alexia pinchbeck signature
alexia pinchbeck signature

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