
On Kickstarting Creativity – 3 ways

The way that my work works, I am generally either in a ‘creative’ season, or a ‘marketing/selling’ season. At the moment, as I’m pre-selling my second book ‘Penelope and Frida and the Mystery Creature’, my creative output necessarily dropped, as I started to focus more on business mode. But really it is the creative part,…

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On Being Kind to Yourself

My upcoming book, Penelope and Frida and the Mystery Creature, has kindness at its core, and has been a true education for me. I’m continuing to gently explore the notion of being kind to myself, an approach which has, until the last couple of years, been quite an alien concept for me as I’ve approached…

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On Poetry: The Mama Contradiction

The Mama Contradiction I’m Scratchy eyed,yet arms fling wide,I fight not to run and hide,Your silk cheeks glide, they give me a notion:Divine Oxytocin. I am desperate to stop, to rest‘sit down’ you suggestor rather roar,from your place on the floor. This is my affliction:The Mama Contradiction.

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On Progress

Whilst I’m in the midst of Amber Rae’s 10 Week Creative Alchemy program (we’re on Week 1 and already it is proving ELECTRIC, with some incredible projects emerging from the group), I am using the time to focus on the completion of my second book, so I’ve signed off of social media – Instagram for…

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On Poetry: Luminous

Under the moonlit sky,in the luminous sea,nipples like polka dots,face filled with glee. This was what made herthe woman she wasthis was what showed herhow powerful because Each time she showed upand faced the dark wavesEach time she showed herselfshe could be brave That she could committo herself and to othersShe could commit to her…

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On Inching Forwards

Some days, it feels like we leap forward towards our desired goals. Others the steps are SO tiny it is barely noticeable we’re making progress. It’s always in looking back that it’s easier to see how big the leaps have really been. If there was one thing I learned about publishing my first book, ‘Samuel…

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On ‘Gathering’

Last year, as I tidied my office with the help of my magic elf (aka Sophie, the Tidyist), Sophie found a bundle of printed off stories stuffed somewhere silly. Somewhere where it was unlikely I would ever discover it in order to crack on and actually do the writing. ‘What shall I do with these…

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On Choosing Moods

I’m writing this after having worked on an illustration detail for my second book – the first time I’ve worked on the book in a long time. I’ve allowed everything else to become a priority over the book recently, and that is ok. In line with the topic matter of the book, I’m having to…

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On Poetry: My Wild Woman

My Wild Woman My wild woman is calling me,beckoning from the woods,a woodland nymph running free,free of musts and shoulds. She needs time alone, away from the fray,She needs to shake and move her hips,To shrug off the day to day and play,Pour sweet nectar down her throat, her lips. My wild woman knows what…

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The Art of Really Listening

In reflecting on the oddity that was 2020, I realised that some of the best moments of compassion, connection, and understanding, came from when I was silent. When I paused, tuned in and really listened. As a person with a LOT of words in my head, that regularly pour out of my mouth (and, as…

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