Ooof. Life has got terribly serious of late, hasn’t it. One need only take a peek at the news from between fingers clamped over our eyes to lose all of one’s sense of joy and delight in an instant. It feels like I have to delve really deep to rediscover my inner child at the…
Continue Reading...In the middle of November last year, I visited my extraordinary osteo for what I’ve dubbed ‘maintenance appointments’ – i.e. visits that avoid the ‘crisis appointments’ that have happened at least three times since I’ve had children. You know the ones: you pick up your child up at the wrong angle and CRRRACK, your back…
Continue Reading...Last year, believe it or not, I discovered that hoovering my house brought me huge comfort in an uncertain time (in the outside world, naturally, but also during a period of really tricky bedtime battles with the boys). It also, as it turns out, brought inspiration. A surprise! Soothed I think I’ve cleared out all…
Continue Reading...Pfffft. Dammit. I’ve gone and called myself out. Again. It struck me that I’ve unwittingly been in the throes of resistance, but in a much subtler form than usual (normally it rears its ugly head in a more startling, and therefore obvious, fashion): Yesterday, like many, we completed day one of ‘homeschooling’ (with a 2yo…
Continue Reading...Happy New Year dear reader! May 2021 contain flourishing creativity and practices which bring you comfort and delight, in whatever form(s) that takes for you. I will be sharing some of the things I intend to do with the (VERY!) blank slate that is this year – albeit working within a constantly changing landscape, not…
Continue Reading...1. walk, daily Along with many others, I suspect, I’ve walked a LOT more in 2020 than ever before. It’s been a daily gift – either time alone with my thoughts percolating, enjoying the peace and quiet and noticing the spectacular theatrics nature sometimes puts on seemingly for my benefit alone and, when allowed, with…
Continue Reading...It used to be that we declared we were ‘on holiday’ upon setting that out of office. And then, often, we might have jumped on a plane to make sure we took ourselves seriously: WE ARE NO LONGER WORKING!!! In 2020, that out of office has been much more challenging to delineate. Home has become…
Continue Reading...Today, rootling around storage, I found a journal I was writing when i was 21. Aside from the cringe factor of much of the content, what is interesting is the sheer output of words. The pull of putting pen to paper was clearly strong even then (unsurprising given I chose an essay-oriented arts degree). Most…
Continue Reading...I am fascinated by the habits of prolific creatives: writers, artists, illustrators, poets, singers. How they get the work done, overcome daily resistance, structure their time. My heart sinks when I read exclusively about discipline that contains not an ounce of family obligation. No pulls from small children, household tasks, relationships. Because then it makes…
Continue Reading...Last week I hinted there is something else I want to publish here, in this little space of opportunity my blog has suddenly revealed. I don’t feel ready, but I know I never will. I will post my short stories – one a month, starting from January (date undetermined, but I may announce one to…
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